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All too often, I am seeing folks involved in motor vehicle collisions not properly insured.  This goes for those who have caused a crash or those that are injured by someone causing a crash.

If you cause a crash and are not properly insured, you may expose your personal assets, including your home and any other real estate property to attack by the injured party and their legal representative.

It is important when you meet with your insurance agent that you discuss the level of insurance that you need to protect yourself and your family.

Trucking insurance minimum limits haven't changed sinceRonald Reagan Inaugeration


The minimum amount of insurance for a commercial truck in 1980: $750,000.

The minimum amount of insurance for a commercial truck in 2015: $750,000.

Don’t get caught under- insured.

On the other hand, if you are injured by another party and they are not insured or do not have adequate insurance, you may not receive just compensation unless you have Underinsured or Uninsured Motorist Coverage.

Commonly called UM or UIM coverage, this insurance is in place to protect you when injured by a party who has no insurance or too little insurance.

These insurance issues should be discussed with your insurance agent on a periodic basis. Your agent should explain and review coverage to make sure you are properly insured.

How to read and understand your car insurance policy after a crash

How to deal with insurance companies after a crash