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Truck deadheading is the practice of driving a semi-truck with an empty trailer.

It happens when a trucker drops off a load but has to drive elsewhere to pick up another load. Those deadhead miles can be extremely dangerous.

A truck deadheading is 2.5x more likely to crash than a truck carrying freight.

truck deadheading-highway crash prevention-Coluccio Law

The weather has more effect on empty trucks

You’ve seen these deadheads on the highway: one wind gust can cause a lot of trailer sway.

Truck deadheading increases the likelihood of a rollover. High winds can flip an empty truck trailer if the driver isn’t careful.

So you see a truck trailer swaying between lanes, move away from it.

It’s likely either a truck deadheading back, or the load is not very heavy. Lightweight truck trailers are more difficult for truckers to control, especially in wind, rain or snow.

Truckers aren’t trained to deadhead

CDL drivers are trained to haul cargo, not drive around an empty trailer.

The weight distribution is different, and less experienced truckers will have a harder time controlling the rig. Experience can have a real impact on safety.

The other thing to keep in mind is that some drivers aren’t paid for truck deadheading.

If that empty trailer is costing the driver money, then that driver has real incentive to drive unsafely and get back as quickly as possible. (Which is another reason truckers should be paid per hour, not per mile.)

Truckers try to avoid deadheading, and if you spot an empty trailer, you should try to avoid it, too.


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