Laws and potential legislation that affect public safety, the trucking industry

How marijuana laws have changed – but not for truck drivers

Laws in several states permit the sale and use of recreational marijuana. In another 31 states and Washington D.C., laws allow for medical marijuana. Oregon, Washington, and Colorado—the first states to legalize recreational marijuana—have had a 5.2% overall increase in crashes, according to an IIHS study. We are only beginning to understand the effect that marijuana [...]


Trump administration just shelved these trucking safety rules

At least a dozen significant pending safety rules have just been shelved by the US Department of Transportation. Here are the nixed regulations that would have applied to trucking safety. Speed limiters There is a direct correlation between stopping distances and rate of speed. Small increases in speed have large effects on the force of an [...]


Trump on Trucking: Week One

In his first week in office, President Trump issued orders to executive agencies that affect trucking safety. Here's what we know, so far. President Trump on Trucking Safety: Week 1 Shortly after his inauguration, President Trump issued an executive order freezing all pending federal regulations now in process. Any regulation signed by President Obama in his final [...]


The Trucking Watchdog Explains: What does NTSB do?

The National Transportation Safety Board is an independent body within the federal government that investigates all plane crashes in the U.S., as well as significant crashes on our highways, and maritime and train accidents. What does NTSB do? Most people, if they've heard of NTSB at all, associate the organization with plane crash investigations. They do [...]

The Trucking Watchdog Explains: What does the USDOT do?

The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT, or DOT) is the federal government agency in charge of transportation planning, funding, and safety. The top priorities at DOT are to keep the traveling public safe and secure, increase their mobility, and have our transportation system contribute to the nation's economic growth.  -   What does [...]

How simple truck side guards could save thousands of lives

Most city streets, with tight intersections and multiple stoplights, were not designed to accommodate tractor-trailer trucks alongside pedestrians and bicyclists. Large trucks have a high, wide gap between the truck's front and rear tires. This dangerous space is where 50% of the deaths from truck and bicycle collisions occur. A truck side guard is a [...]

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